we can make a difference
our mission
our story
Melanin Parks seeks to address the whole child through education, experiential environmental opportunities, financial literacy, and physical wellness. Our strength is in our versatility of skillsets and diversity in outreach. The Foundation has served numerous families in need of dental services and outlets for mental health prior to our official incorporation. Through networking and outreach by the founders and a small circle of like-minded individuals, the need to grow formally and intentionally seek funding to continue services was evidenced. The result was the creation of the foundation. The sole premise was to create an entity that could serve and reach a wider swath of the population and create an ecosystem of world-class care in the Carolinas. Educational services, namely, conducting courses, workshops, conferences, and training in the field of entertainment, art, history, and culture and distribution of educational materials in connection therewith; providing training to members in the field of traveling by recreational vehicles;
Arranging and conducting of training workshops in the field of art, history, and culture.
Our areas of focus in the community center around four areas:
physical wellness (mental and oral health)
educational preparedness that leads to a 2 year or 4-year education
financial literacy (business development, investment, basic money management)
Outdoor experiential education and exposure
We believe that in order to become one’s most actualized opportunity. In and best self, children, and youth need exposure beyond their current circumstances. Too often young ethnically diverse children have little opportunity to change the trajectory of their lives because they are limited in their thinking which is shaped by opportunity. Our priority demographic is to serve youth ages 9-18 . There is also an emphasis on serving children identified with learning differences and special needs since these children and their families slip through the societal cracks when it comes to services with mental and oral care.
” To whom much is given, of him much is required. ” This axiom guides us in all that we seek to accomplish through services in the Carolinas. With the assistance of philanthropic organizations, Melanin Parks Foundation will become the solution for those with issues accessing quality mental and oral health services, life-changing outdoors experiential education, the resources to make higher education a reality, and the fortitude to create generational wealth with the building block of financial literacy.

our purpose
Impacting Families Through Education, Environmental Exploration, and Wellness In The Carolinas

our purpose
Impacting Families Through Education, Environmental Exploration, and Wellness In The Carolinas
saturday, june 15, 2024
Remember the ancestors virtual 5k
Rent A Tent
Send us an email if you are interested in sponsoring/renting a tent for $300.00.

saturday, june 17, 2023
Remember the ancestors 5k run/walk
Registration: Price increases to $40.00 after May 31, 2023 at 11:59pm EDT

Saturday, June 17, 2023
our sponsors
Learn More About Our Events & HOw you Can Make an impact

live jazz
June 17, 2023
1 pm - 5 pm Manchester Meadows Lake Pavilion Shelter 337 E. Mt. Gallant Road Rock Hill, SC 29730